Ep. 166 #UNFILTERED Winter Solstice 2020 :: Connection & Rebirth in the Dark

Welcome back to FYW #UNFILTERED Moon Musings with Venessa & Megan!

What are #UNFILTERED Moon Musings?

These #UNFILTERED episodes are a hybrid of moon musings + convo + QA answering your top questions about holistic health, nutrition, herbs, moon cycles, and earth-based medicine. Connecting to the moon cycles can be a powerful way to tap into your inner wild and wise self…

BUT we need YOUR help! Send us your questions and comments by clicking here, we can't wait to hang out with you <3

This Episode's Theme...

#UNFILTERED Winter Solstice 2020 :: Connection & Rebirth in the Dark

Winter Solstice blessings <3 We are back with our seasonal check-in, ready to dive into this Winter Solstice and one of the biggest astrological events of our time called The Great Conjunction! As we enter this magical time of dark and rebirth… we’re reflecting upon our collective experience of rebirthing a new consciousness, and the Aquarian age. 

In this episode, we chat about getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, the influence of Saturnian energy, and why it’s critical to honor your desires and boundaries. We touch on the art of asking for what you need and the art of saying no, and offer practical ways to draw down the astrological energies and support yourself, including making homemade potpourri, warming rooting foods and herbs, and practices sharing medicine with the community and loved ones. We include a tarot card reading, guiding us to liberation from mental and emotional prisons within the self. We also share a helpful assessment tool that we love to gauge the level of nourishment or care that you need.

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Ask Us Your Top Q's!

Go to wildlyrooted.com/podcastconnect to send us your top questions around health + wellness, nutrition + herbalism, natural cycles + intuition, & your top challenges. You can now leave us a voice message!

Connect with Venessa @wildlyrooted

Connect with Megan @amethyst_and_rose


Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal Venmo Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://venmo.com/WildlyRooted


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