Ep. 314 Libra Solar Eclipse: Resetting Relational Contracts & Emotional Patterns


This Libra solar eclipse is a time for new beginnings, radical self-tending, and deep reflection on what’s no longer working in your relationships.

As we prepare for this eclipse, we dive into the astrological significance, Venus' deep inner work, and how Mercury’s influence is shaping our thoughts and plans.

Are you ready to say YES to renegotiating the contracts that no longer serve you and hit the reset button on your life? It’s time to rewrite the rules, especially when it comes to your relationships and how you nurture yourself. Release to make space for the new 🍂✨

In this episode:

  • What this Libra solar eclipse is inviting and how to prepare for a new chapter

  • Venus is diggin DEEP, Mercury’s putting it all into thoughts, words, & plans

  • Why the waters and emotional alchemy is coming in strong with this one

  • Saying YES to renegotiating misaligned contracts, especially re: relationships and self-care. 

  • Alchemizing self-abandonment wounds & the power of forgiveness in healing

  • How to integrate being both a spiritual traveler (Pisces) and an embodied being on Earth (Virgo)

  • Medical astrology for Libra: kidneys, ovaries, 

  • A Venusian herbal ally to soften, protect, and en-courage the heart

  • 2 more special plant spirit allies & messages for deeper healing with this Libra eclipse

Join me as I’ll be facilitating an upcoming Wildly Prosperous Retreat, in person where I’ll guide participants in shifting from a mindset of problems to one of possibilities. 

RETREAT WITH US IN CHICAGO 👑Join me in Chicago this October for the Wildly Prosperous Retreat! An unforgettable weekend retreat for women who are ripe to play bigger and ready to raise the success bar on their business, money & life.

✨LEARN MORE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/prosperous (Oct 18-20)

1-ON-1 AKASHIC MENTORSHIP (2 SPOTS OPEN!) I have opened up 2 spots for my Activate Your Intuitive Channel Akashic Mentorship! Email Venessa at hello@wildlyrooted.com with “MENTORSHIP” in the subject line to learn more and set up an initial Akashic Assessment to see if it’s right for you.

FREE GIFT 🎁Download this powerful Akashic Activation meditation for clarity on your sacred soul calling as a healer!👇🏽

✨COSMIC CLARITY: https://wildlyrooted.lpages.co/cosmic-clarity 

LIBERATED & LUMINOUS HEALER 🌟A lifetime access group program to break through imposter syndrome, witch wounds, fear of being seen & other limiting beliefs that are holding you back as a healer! Alchemize your blocks into medicine and shine your light with us. 

✨LEARN MORE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/llh 

Resources + Links: