Ep. 293 Libra Lunar Eclipse: Releasing & Righting Relationship


Welcome to our first eclipse of the year! This Libra lunar eclipse is bringing attention to the imbalances and inequalities within our relationships. It’s time to release toxic patterns, end unhealthy people-pleasing, and stop self-abandonment. 

We touch on Astro events, Libra’s connection within the body, and a supportive Libra guardian herbal ally for soothing our nerves and relaxing our minds during activating times.

**Join the Feed Your Wild Community Waitlist**

Want to connect with other like-hearted healers and chat about Feed Your Wild episodes, additional Akashic channelings, and access exclusive content? 

Let’s co-create a beautiful community, together… Raise your hand by signing up for our waitlist to grab your spot and learn more!

SIGN UP HERE → wildlyrooted.com/community


In This Episode:

  1. FREE Masterclass: 3 Keys to Unlock Your Intuitive Channeling Gifts with Clarity & Confidence ~ A transmission to activate your channeling codes, elevate your intuitive healing potential, & master the art of intuitive readings.

In This Episode:

Where To Find Venessa


Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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Ep. 292 Spring Equinox & Akashic Channeling: The Sinusoidal Dance


Equinox blessings! We are celebrating this astrological new year with the spring equinox and Aries season in today’s episode along with a special Akashic Soul Nourishment Reading and announcement about the birth of the Feed Your Wild COMMUNITY! The Vernal Equinox is all about equilibrium and the burgeoning sun, a powerful portal for new beginnings and new life. 

On a personal and tender note, I share about the recent passing of my beloved abuela Pura, my maternal grandmother, and the 1 year death anniversary of my paternal grandmother, Juanita. Having both crossed over in the days leading to Spring Equinox, and the end of Pisces season, I reflect on how the passages of death and birth are showing up in my own life and within the collective field, according to the stars.

Tune in for an intimate chat that touches on the power of astrological timing, Venusian forces, Divine Mother, Mary Magdalene, cosmic storylines and healing our spiritual lineage. We touch on astro events, how to prepare for eclipse season, and a supportive herbal ally for traumas & wounds coming up for healing.

Listen to our Spring Equinox Akashic Soul Nourishment at the end - a channeling that attunes us to our resonance, notes & lines that shape the music of our lives, and the gifts between. It’s time for a deep spring cleaning of Divine Proportion…

An excerpt from our Akashic Guides:

The truth of the cosmos that is woven within the fabric of your very being
Your core essence holds the keys to the universe
The lines upon which the notes dance
Sometimes sharp, sometimes flat
A scat or a chant
A bellowing call,
Base, tenor, baritone
You're back home...

**Join the Feed Your Wild Community Waitlist**

Want to connect with other like-hearted healers and chat about Feed Your Wild episodes, Akashic channelings, and access exclusive content? 

Let’s co-create a beautiful community, together… Raise your hand by signing up for our waitlist to grab your spot and learn more!

SIGN UP HERE → wildlyrooted.com/community


In This Episode:

  1. FREE Masterclass: 3 Keys to Unlock Your Intuitive Channeling Gifts with Clarity & Confidence ~ A transmission to activate your channeling codes, elevate your intuitive healing potential, & master the art of intuitive readings.

In This Episode:

Where To Find Venessa


Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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Ep. 291 Pisces New Moon: Dreaming Into Being


Welcome to this moon musing episode where we swim in the waters of this Pisces new moon and its gift as a doorway to our upcoming eclipse season (gulp). 

We explore the depths of this Pisces new moon as an opportunity to open up to a new dream that you desire to make real, and I bet you’re feeling it already ;). We’re working with practical magic (hello Saturn & Neptune) and a special ability to put words to the previously ineffable visions we feel in our core (thank you, Mercury). Allow this lunation to be fertile ground for the seeds you aspire to grow with the upcoming Libra eclipse and beyond. 

And of course, medical astrology goodness: Pisces’ nature and predispositions, and the link to lymphatic system, fluids of the body, and feet. We also take a look at some supportive foods & herbal allies connected to Pisces, including irish moss, cleavers, and a special appearance by Blue Lotus. We close with a quickie tarot card pull that delivers a message I think we ALL need to hear…

AWAKEN THE ORACLE WITHIN :: Private 1:1 Akashic Mentorship for Healers

The 3, 6 or 12 month private Akashic Mentorship for tapping into your next-level intuitive gifts as an oracle, with crystal clarity in your highest purpose as healer and lightworker. Work with the Akasha and Divine Support to spread your wings & create your soul’s body of healing work. With Venessa in your back pocket ;)

LEARN MORE & APPLY HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/oracle 


In This Episode:

In This Episode:

Where To Find Venessa


Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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Ep. 290 Reclaiming Goodness, Goddess, & Self: Navigating Dark Nights, Crucial Crossroads, & Luminous Portals with Tuesday Rivera


This interview is part of a mini-series called “Riding the Chariot” ~ real & raw stories from intuitive healers and clients/graduates of Venessa’s mentorship & mastermind spaces.

Finding herself at a crossroads in her 40s, Tuesday Rivera was faced with a choice: continue traveling down the “safe” and conventional path or leaving it behind, shedding the skin of who she was to venture toward an expanded version of her Self - one that was more aligned, yet beyond the veil of knowing. 

I know many of you have come to this kind of crossroads in your own life, perhaps many times. Whether you took the leap or not, it points to a perennial Truth that persists and is always available: that your truest essence, the highest expression of your Soul Self, is beckoning you in every moment. Call it fate, soul alignment, quantum jumping, divine providence ~ the point is that there’s always the opportunity to choose your Truth… and in so doing, you trailblaze a path to a version of your Self that is often beyond your imagination, and yet deeply familiar by heart.

Tuesday Rivera is a transformational coach, guide, and facilitator who is no stranger to trailblazing… having left the fields of traditional social service provision and academics to become a new kind of change-maker partnering with clients around the world. 

Tuesday shares her transition from a strategic consultant and suburban mom to a spiritual seeker, intuitive guide, and an oracle of the Goddess.

That last little bit I admit I added in, because honestly Tuesday would be too modest to make such a claim. Yet having worked with Tuesday deeply for some time now, I can assure you that Goddess runs through her veins.

Bit by the bug, literally, Tuesday tells of her emergence from a traumatic early childhood mired in violation and denigration into a creative, heart-led path of self-discovery guided by her body wisdom and inner compass and illuminated by the Divine Feminine.

Drawing upon her own background as a psychotherapist, a set of devotional practices, the Akashic Records, and dance and movement, Tuesday now supports others on their journeys of self-reflection, navigating their own personal and professional transformations.

Tuesday shares really helpful frameworks for moving through these spaces and phases of our lives and how the Akashic Records are supporting her in the evolution of her work and the development of her beautiful offerings. Her pragmatic and witty style really brings a much needed groundedness to topics that can often feel lofty or nebulous such as devotion to Goddess and intuitive transformational work.

Tuesday’s compelling story serves as a testament to the profound personal and professional growth that follows when we courageously follow the breadcrumbs of our intuition, embracing both the light and the shadows of our journeys back home to our Self.

AWAKEN THE ORACLE WITHIN :: Private 1:1 Akashic Mentorship for Healers

The 3, 6 or 12 month private Akashic Mentorship for tapping into your next-level intuitive gifts as an oracle, with crystal clarity in your highest purpose as healer and lightworker. Work with the Akasha and Divine Support to spread your wings & create your soul’s body of healing work. With Venessa in your back pocket ;)

LEARN MORE & APPLY HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/oracle


 In the Episode:

Where to Find Tuesday Rivera

Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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Ep. 289 Bridging Ayurveda & Business: A Journey Through Spirituality, Wealth, & Wisdom with Dr. Vrinda Devani & Mitesh Raichada of AyurPrana


What if businesses of today operated from ancient wisdom and spiritual principles that underlie the patterns of the cosmos? What kind of world would exist if there was no separation of spirituality from other realms of life? 

It’s these questions and more that we explore on today’s episode with the dynamic duo of Dr. Vrinda Devani and Mitesh Raichada of AyurPrana, an online educational platform and community that provides a modern approach to personal wellness, inspired by the ancient sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga.

We traverse the confluence between Ayurveda, wellness, spirituality, business and money, starting with their fascinating upbringing and personal stories of healing. From the ashram to the boardroom, from surgery in the OR to apprenticing in Ayurvedic Medicine, Mitesh and Vrinda share how their spiritual upbringing carved paths that led to the rich integration of ancient wisdom with modern healthcare and entrepreneurial spirit. 

We explore the necessary path from idealism to actionable life and business practices, unraveling the synthesis of personal development, spiritual practice, and professional success. Mitesh and Vrinda’s stories and body of work are dynamic examples of how the incorporation of Ayurvedic principles can thrive in the most unconventional settings.

AWAKEN THE ORACLE WITHIN :: Private 1:1 Akashic Mentorship for Healers

The 3, 6 or 12 month private Akashic Mentorship for tapping into your next-level intuitive gifts as an oracle, with crystal clarity in your highest purpose as healer and lightworker. Work with the Akasha and Divine Support to spread your wings & create your soul’s body of healing work. With Venessa in your back pocket ;)

LEARN MORE & APPLY HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/oracle

In This Episode We Talk About:

  • Their stories offer a blueprint for weaving together growth, spirituality, and business acumen.

  • The power of cultural identity and the profound impact of youthful spiritual revelations on their journey to harnessing their limitless potential.

  • The significance of community, connection, and rituals in transforming our perception of money and professional endeavors. 

  • How bifurcation in different realms of our life leads to disharmony, pathology, disease


 In the Episode:

Where To Find Mitesh and Vrinda

Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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Ep. 288 Virgo Full Moon: Purification & Illumination


Welcome to our Moon Musing where we cast a light on the upcoming Virgo full moon and its significance as we close the astrological year. Listen in as we unpack the sensitive and reflective energy of Pisces season, gearing us up for an introspective look back at the year that was.

We explore how to harness the illuminating energy of the Virgo full moon to purify and release what no longer serves us. The meticulous nature of Virgo invites us to scrutinize our lives, urging a balance with the healing presence of Pisces. We navigate the astrological currents of spiritual transitions and cosmic alignments, with a close look at the conjunctions following the full moon.

Plus medical astrology tidbits, including Virgo’s connection to the belly, gut-brain, and nervous system linked with the gut. We also take a look at some supportive herbal allies connected to Pisces, Venus, and Virgo, including mugwort, cacao, and agrimony that imparts a harmonizing essence.

AWAKEN THE ORACLE WITHIN :: Private 1:1 Akashic Mentorship for Healers

The 3, 6 or 12 month private Akashic Mentorship for tapping into your next-level intuitive gifts as an oracle, with crystal clarity in your highest purpose as healer and lightworker. Work with the Akasha and Divine Support to spread your wings & create your soul’s body of healing work. With Venessa in your back pocket ;)

LEARN MORE & APPLY HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/oracle 


In This Episode:

In This Episode:

Where To Find Venessa


Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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Ep. 287 How Celeste Guzmán Mendoza Harnessed Her Gifts with Akashic Records: Healing Ancestral Wounds, Soul Parts & Breaking Free with Boundaries


This interview is part of a new mini-series called “Riding the Chariot” ~ real & raw stories from intuitive healers and graduates of my 9-month mentorship and practitioner mastermind, Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway.

This interview is part of a new mini-series called “Riding the Chariot” ~ real & raw stories from intuitive healers and graduates of my 9-month mentorship and practitioner mastermind, Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway.

In this episode, we welcome the incredibly talented Celeste Guzmán Mendoza, a beacon of creativity and strategic thinking, who merges her skills as a poet, playwright, Akashic record reader, and strategist to elevate organizations and individuals alike.

Her journey of intertwining intuitive gifts with self healing and her professional life is not just inspiring but a testament to the boundless potential within us all. Together, we reflect on the past three years, where our shared path of spiritual growth and mentorship has led to not just personal transformation but has also profoundly influenced our work with others.

Celeste opens up about her past experiences of violence, physical health challenges, and deep spiritual healing, punctuated by moments of vulnerability, forgiveness, ingenuity and soul-level self-discovery. 

We unravel the importance of boundary-setting, inner discipline and self-discovery through the eyes of the Seeker archetype, revealing how curiosity, compassion, & commitment play crucial roles in our growth and connectivity. Join us for a profound exchange on the intricate dance between embracing our past, navigating our present, and shaping our future with intention and grace.

AWAKEN THE ORACLE WITHIN :: Private 1:1 Akashic Mentorship for Healers

The 3, 6 or 12 month private Akashic Mentorship for tapping into your next-level intuitive gifts as an oracle, with crystal clarity in your highest purpose as healer and lightworker. Work with the Akasha and Divine Support to spread your wings & create your soul’s body of healing work. With Venessa in your back pocket ;)

LEARN MORE & APPLY HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/oracle


 In the Episode:

Where to Find Celeste Guzmán Mendoza

Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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Ep. 286 Aquarius New Moon: Seeds for Collective Healing


Blessed new moon and happy lunar new year! We’re exploring this lovely Aquarius new supermoon - the launch of a new cycle and year of the Wood Dragon. 

We cover astro events happening the first half of February, the energetics of this new moon and its invitation to seed intentions that expand out into the collective for global healing. Plus medical astrology tidbits, including Aquarius’ connection to the electrical body, circulatory system and ankles. We also take a look at some supportive herbal allies connected to Aquarius, including kava kava and lavender!

I announce a special invitation to Awaken The Oracle Within & a new way to work with me privately (PLUS books are open for Akashic Record Sessions)! Links below…

AWAKEN THE ORACLE WITHIN :: Private 1:1 Akashic Mentorship for Healers

The 3, 6 or 12 month private Akashic Mentorship for tapping into your next-level intuitive gifts as an oracle, with crystal clarity in your highest purpose as healer and lightworker. Work with the Akasha and Divine Support to spread your wings & create your soul’s body of healing work. With Venessa in your back pocket ;)

LEARN MORE & APPLY HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/oracle 


In This Episode:

In This Episode:

Where To Find Venessa


Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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Ep. 285 Leo Full Moon: It Starts With You


Blessed full moon, love. We’re exploring this activating Leo moon - the first full moon of the year. 

Leo reminds us to expand into the full + confident expression of Self and our creative potential, while Pluto serves the necessary deaths, releases, and transformations that are also a part of the process. This Full Moon brings our attention to the interplay between creation and destruction and what needs to die to free up energy and our Truth.

We cover astro events like Pluto’s shift into Aquarius and Mars + Mercury leading to sharp words and fiery action. Plus medical astrology tidbits, including Leo’s connection to the heart, cardiac system and spine. We also take a look at a supportive herbal ally ruled by the Sun and the medicine of Rose to nurture our hearts.


Join us live in LIT: A Full Moon in Leo Ceremony on January 25th (replay available if you register). Join me for sacred heart work and a fire ceremony to release the blocks preventing you from moving forward into your path of healership. Pay what you can (min. $11).

REGISTER HERE:  wildlyrooted.com/lit 


I’m now offering a 3-month option (instead of the full 9-month commitment) for the Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway! PLUS a special BONUS program: Unblock Thyself… All details available on the application page.

LEARN MORE + APPLY HERE: wildlyrooted.com/apply


In This Episode:

In This Episode:

Where To Find Venessa


Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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Ep. 284 Sandra Livier Guardado’s Quantum Leap Into Her Intuitive Mediumship Gifts As A Psychotherapist, Healing Witch Wounds & Stepping Into Her Sacred Soul Work


This interview is part of a new mini-series called “Riding the Chariot” ~ real & raw stories from intuitive healers and graduates of my 9-month mentorship and practitioner mastermind, Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway.

In this episode, we’re speaking with Sandra Livier Guardado, a seasoned bilingual Spanish speaking licensed psychotherapist turned intuitive healer whose work involves facilitating a Healing Journey through a Psychological Spiritual Model with the use of trauma informed psychology, Energy Medicine, Past Life Regression Therapy & Akashic Records. 

We explore Sandra’s powerful expansion inside of 1-on-1 mentorship with Venessa and the Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway program. Sandra shares how deep shadow work, Akashic Records & numerous spiritual modalities have catalyzed her personal growth and professional insights. She also gifts us with practical wisdom on self-regulation techniques, underscoring the imperative of self-awareness and nervous system regulation in spiritual development. 

Through her story and healing work, she illuminates the courage required to embrace our intuitive nature and sacred path. It's a gentle yet powerful reminder that within us lies the strength to transform our darkest moments into the brightest beacons of love and self-acceptance. Join us as we celebrate the power and beauty of a life in soulful expansion.

LIVE Full Moon Ceremony ~ Jan. 25th

Join us live in LIT: A Full Moon in Leo Ceremony on January 25th (replay available if you register). Join me for sacred heart work and a fire ceremony to release the blocks preventing you from moving forward into your path of healership. Pay what you can (min. $11).

REGISTER HERE:  wildlyrooted.com/lit 


I’m now offering a 3-month option (instead of the full 9-month commitment) for the Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway! PLUS a special BONUS program: Unblock Thyself… All details available on the application page.

LEARN MORE + APPLY HERE: wildlyrooted.com/apply



Where to Find Sandra Livier Guardado

Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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Ep. 283 Healing with Chronic Illness: Game-Changing Approaches for Empaths & Highly Sensitives with Dr. Cathleen King of Primal Trust


Join me as we welcome Dr. Cathleen King to explore the intricate landscape of chronic illness, the profound connection between our nervous system and stress responses, and the revolutionary healing potential of self-regulation techniques. Dr. King, a physical therapist and mind-body practitioner, shares her personal triumph over a decade of debilitating illness and how it led to the founding of the Primal Trust Academy and Community. We traverse the importance of brain retraining, vagus nerve toning, and trauma-informed attachment repair techniques, which collectively offer a beacon of hope for those entrenched in the throes of chronic symptoms and trauma patterns.

Listen in as we unpack the crucial role of holistic approaches in the rebalancing of the nervous system and the journey through trauma healing. Dr. King and I shed light on the power of education in fostering commitment to the healing process, the necessity of a well-equipped toolkit, and the sequential strategy of integrating somatic experiencing, attachment repair, and more. This episode illuminates why certain therapies may fall short without the foundation of self-regulation and the resilience that comes from a deeper understanding of our bodies' stress responses and their impact on health.

Finally, we address the disconnection from the sacred in our modern lives and the remarkable resilience of the human spirit. We celebrate the sensitive and empathic among us, who often lead the way in humanity's healing, and affirm the collective power of shared experiences and mutual support.

LIVE Full Moon Ceremony ~ Jan. 25th

Join us live in LIT: A Full Moon in Leo Ceremony on January 25th (replay available if you register). Join me for sacred heart work and a fire ceremony to release the blocks preventing you from moving forward into your path of healership. Pay what you can (min. $11).

REGISTER HERE:  wildlyrooted.com/lit 


I’m now offering a 3-month option (instead of the full 9-month commitment) for the Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway! PLUS a special BONUS program: Unblock Thyself… All details available on the application page.

LEARN MORE + APPLY HERE: wildlyrooted.com/apply

In This Episode We Talk About:

  • Dr. Cat’s personal journey and triumph over a decade of debilitating illness and how it led to the founding of the Primal Trust Academy and Community

  • Insights on chronic illness, holistic trauma healing, brain retraining, and somatics for fostering resilience

  • Chronic stress, nervous system, and immune system's role in cellular function and health for highly sensitive empaths

  • What is cell danger response and the mitochondria's role in shifting from protection to purpose

  • Technology's impact on our detachment from nature and creativity, leading to health consequences

  • The connection between nutrient absorption and family patterns/dynamics

  • Power of healing through nature connection for limbic system impairment and nervous system dysregulation

  • Dr. Hamer’s German New Medicine: innovative medical paradigm linking physical symptoms, emotions, and trauma, with a focus on regulation and healing

  • The restorative power of nature and community

  • Cultivating resilience and hope in managing high sensitivity

  • How highly sensitives and empaths with chronic illness are the “canaries in the coal mine”



Where to Find Dr. Cathleen King

Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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Ep. 282 Capricorn New Moon: Setting the Stage


Welcome to the Age of Aquarius (hehe)! This is THE new moon to launch a new year, folks. Today, we’re exploring this grounding and highly supportive moon in Capricorn - the first new moon of the year. 

With Pluto’s invitation to release and Mars’ punchy energy with Jupiter’s expansive sights adding enthusiasm, this New Moon supports bold pursuits with grounded, intentional steps.

We cover Pluto’s dance with Capricorn and Aquarius, wisdom from the Nodes, and medical astrology tidbits, including Capricorn’s connection to the bones and regulatory actions via the pituitary gland. Plus a look at a supportive herbal ally ruled by Saturn and a goddess oracle archetype that brings a supportive reminder in these times.

I also announce a special offer for the Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway (never offered to the public before) AND an invitation to release with a full moon fire ceremony on the 25th of January! Details below…


Join us live in LIT: A Full Moon in Leo Ceremony on January 25th (replay available if you register). Join me for sacred heart work and a fire ceremony to release the blocks preventing you from moving forward into your path of healership. Pay what you can (min. $11).

REGISTER HERE:  wildlyrooted.com/lit 


I’m now offering a 3-month option (instead of the full 9-month commitment) for the Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway! PLUS a special BONUS program: Unblock Thyself… All details available on the application page.

LEARN MORE + APPLY HERE: wildlyrooted.com/apply


In This Episode:

In This Episode:

Where To Find Venessa


Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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Ep. 281 New Year Akashic Message: Sigh, Rock, Rest


Welcome to 2024, wild fam! Tune in as we explore astro insights for the year ahead, the spiritual significance of this time, and a special New Year Akashic Soul Nourishment reading for the collective! 

I share the top Feed Your Wild episodes as well as personal reflections for 2023, celebrating some key milestones and manifestations.

We take a look at the energetics of the year 2024, including some divinatory messages: the word of the year, insights from Gene Keys, 2024’s tarot anchor card, as well as an herbal ally to support us throughout. 

An excerpt from our Akashic Reading:

Divine love carries you through

The thicket and the brush

A balm for wounds by prickly thorns

A wrap for broken bones

It is in the rest that you regenerate

Through the will of God 

And your own…

Tune in for soul nourishment and wisdom as we forge ahead together!


Akashic Soul Record Sessions ~ These are 60-minute channeled readings that happen with me over audio-only Zoom or phone. Books open for 2024.

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/akashicrecords

Akashic Intuitive Healing Mentorship Experience ~ work with me privately in this 1-on-1 mentorship designed to assist you in developing your intuitive healing practice. We’ll be incorporating Akashic Record training and working with the Akashic Records in a healing or practitioner capacity. Short and longer term options available.

APPLY HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/intuitivehealingmentorship 


In This Episode:

Where To Find Venessa


Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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Ep. 280 Cancer Full Moon: Centering Spirit in this Holy Time


Happy full moon, dear Ones! Today, we’re exploring this beautiful and highly supportive moon in Cancer during the beginning of this deeply holy time of 12 days and 13 nights leading up to Epiphany. We talk about Sirius alignment, spiritual sun, Jupiter’s supportive expansion, Christ-Sun Force, and the potency of this time.

Many blessings to you and yours in this portal time of spiritual depth and wonder, may you journey forward in alignment with your most essential Truth.


Akashic Soul Record Sessions ~ These are 60-minute channeled readings that happen with me over audio-only Zoom or phone. Limited space for November and December!

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/akashicrecords


Awaken & Align Into 2024: Akashic Soul Record Personal Channelings ~ These are pre-recorded 30-minute readings that specifically focus on supporting you through your awakening & alignment process as you move into the New Year. I will open your Akashic Records as well as work with your Human Design to receive intuitive channeled insights related to your unique path and selected theme, and send you a link with a recording and a photo of any cards or relevant information within the weekly block that you purchased. 

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/akashicrecords

Akashic Intuitive Healing Mentorship Experience ~ work with me privately in this 1-on-1 mentorship designed to assist you in developing your intuitive healing practice. We’ll be incorporating Akashic Record training and working with the Akashic Records in a healing or practitioner capacity. Short and longer term options available. 1 spot remaining.

APPLY HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/intuitivehealingmentorship 


Where To Find Venessa


Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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Ep. 279 Winter Solstice: Akashic Soul Nourishment Reading


Happy Solstice, fam! Today, we’re exploring the significance of the December Winter Solstice, cultivating traditions that are meaningful (I share what I’m doing personally), and we are celebrating with a special Akashic Soul Nourishment Reading.

An excerpt from our Akashic Reading:

“When have you danced in the darkest of nights?

Reveled in the cave,

Suspended in the womb of unknowing…

Remembering this is ceremony enough.”

Sending you many blessings in this potent time of stillness, as we are guided to go within and reflect on our inner selves and inner pilot flames of life.


Akashic Soul Record Sessions ~ These are 60-minute channeled readings that happen with me over audio-only Zoom or phone. Limited space for November and December!

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/akashicrecords


Awaken & Align Into 2024: Akashic Soul Record Personal Channelings ~ These are pre-recorded 30-minute readings that specifically focus on supporting you through your awakening & alignment process as you move into the New Year. I will open your Akashic Records as well as work with your Human Design to receive intuitive channeled insights related to your unique path and selected theme, and send you a link with a recording and a photo of any cards or relevant information within the weekly block that you purchased. 

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/akashicrecords

Akashic Intuitive Healing Mentorship Experience ~ work with me privately in this 1-on-1 mentorship designed to assist you in developing your intuitive healing practice. We’ll be incorporating Akashic Record training and working with the Akashic Records in a healing or practitioner capacity. Short and longer term options available. 1 spots remaining.

APPLY HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/intuitivehealingmentorship 


Where To Find Venessa


Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


Share this episode by clicking the SHARE button below!

Ep. 278 Sagittarius New Moon: Ready, Set, Grow!


Happy New Moon, fam! In this episode, we’re covering the energetics of this lunation and month, and ways to best support us as we approach the end of this year. 

With Neptune’s dreamy, yet foggy influence and Mars’ audacious heat adding to Sagittarius’ fire, this New Moon emphasizes the importance of our emotional, physical, spiritual well-being in pursuit of our hopes and dreams.

We cover Mercury retrograde, Chiron’s invitation, and medical astrology tidbits, including Sagittarius’ connection to the lower body and autonomic nervous system. Plus a look at a supportive herbal ally ruled by Jupiter and a tarot card archetype that brings a supportive reminder in these times.


Akashic Soul Record Sessions ~ These are 60-minute channeled readings that happen with me over audio-only Zoom or phone. Limited space for November and December!

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/akashicrecords


Awaken & Align Into 2024: Akashic Soul Record Personal Channelings ~ These are pre-recorded 30-minute readings that specifically focus on supporting you through your awakening & alignment process as you move into the New Year. I will open your Akashic Records as well as work with your Human Design to receive intuitive channeled insights related to your unique path and selected theme, and send you a link with a recording and a photo of any cards or relevant information within the weekly block that you purchased. 

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/akashicrecords

Akashic Intuitive Healing Mentorship Experience ~ work with me privately in this 1-on-1 mentorship designed to assist you in developing your intuitive healing practice. We’ll be incorporating Akashic Record training and working with the Akashic Records in a healing or practitioner capacity. Short and longer term options available. 2 spots remaining.

APPLY HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/intuitivehealingmentorship 


Where To Find Venessa


Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


Share this episode by clicking the SHARE button below!

Ep. 277 Green Witch Wisdom for Health & Life with Robin Rose Bennett


Listen in as we journey through an enlightening conversation with Robin Rose Bennett, a revered storyteller, writer, herbalist, and green witch. Robin generously shares her journey of self-discovery, the healing power of earth and its green beings, and the importance of holistic wellness. She shares Earth wisdom with gratitude for the magic and mystery of the web of life. She also gives us a sneak peek into her book, "A Green Witch's Pocketbook of Wisdom: Big Little Life Tips," offering insights into the profound impact of herbalism on our lives.

This episode takes you on an exploration of the healing powers of traditional and alternative medicine, embodied in Robin's personal journey. She recounts her own experience with illness, which propelled her to explore different methods of healing, breaking the fear and resistance many harbor towards traditional medicinal practices. You'll hear the importance of reconnecting with the healing power of the earth, with storytelling playing a crucial role in creating a more expansive narrative around illness.

Tune in to gain inspiration from our discussion on Robin's pocket oracle book, and its role in providing guidance and support in today's challenging times. Discover the magic of plants as we discuss the role of rose, linden, oak, and nettles in opening the heart and nourishing the nervous system. Lastly, we explore the realm of herbal medicine and sensuality, emphasizing the crucial roles that they play in our overall wellness. Robin’s wisdom serves as a reminder to embrace these aspects of ourselves and their connection to spirituality, grounding us into the essence of holistic wellness. Immerse yourself in the wisdom of plants and the importance of self-care and embodiment.


Akashic Soul Record Sessions ~ These are 60-minute channeled readings that happen with me over audio-only Zoom or phone. Limited space for November and December!

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/akashicrecords


Awaken & Align Into 2024: Akashic Soul Record Personal Channelings ~ These are pre-recorded 30-minute readings that specifically focus on supporting you through your awakening & alignment process as you move into the New Year. I will open your Akashic Records as well as work with your Human Design to receive intuitive channeled insights related to your unique path and selected theme, and send you a link with a recording and a photo of any cards or relevant information within the weekly block that you purchased. 

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/akashicrecords

Akashic Intuitive Healing Mentorship Experience ~ work with me privately in this 1-on-1 mentorship designed to assist you in developing your intuitive healing practice. We’ll be incorporating Akashic Record training and working with the Akashic Records in a healing or practitioner capacity. 

Short and longer term options available. 1 spot remaining.

APPLY HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/intuitivehealingmentorship 

In This Episode We Talk About:

  • Robin’s journey discovering her herbalist ancestry and illness as a pathway to self-discovery and healing

  • Healing Through Writing and Self-Expression - the role of storytelling in finding meaning and creating a more expansive narrative around illness

  • Bibliomancy and Seeking Wisdom - using Robin’s pocket book as a divination tool for daily wisdom

  • Connecting With Earth's Energy - Practical exercises, such as grounding by putting feet on the ground and breathing with a plant

  • Finding Safety and Connection in Nature

  • Healing Power of Oak Tree 

  • The Intersection of Sexuality and Spirituality

  • Herbal medicine for the body, mind, and spirit - we explore motherwort, oats straw, and nettles, and how they can soothe anxiety, strengthen resilience, and open the heart



In The Episode:

Where to Find Robin Rose Bennett

Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


Share this episode by clicking the SHARE button below!

Ep. 276 Gemini Full Moon: Seethe & Soothe


Happy New Moon, fam! While the eclipses are over (for now), we’re still feeling the effects and the cosmic weather continues to be intense, unpredictable, explosive, and turbulent. 

In this episode, we’re covering the energetics of this lunation and month, and ways to best support us as we go deep into the entanglements to find true liberation. November and October 2023 are game changers that will irrevocably shift our direction. 

Highlights include Uranus’ awakening power and Mars’ heat (hello anger, conflict, & aggression) and its potential to be alchemized into movement, energy, and impassioned willpower.

As the veil continues to be lifted on the world stage and in your own life, we explore how to best navigate the highs and lows in order to seek a new and higher truth.

What’s the purpose and process of everything we’re going through right now? According to the stars, it’s rapid, spiritual evolution into a higher state of being. 

We also cover medical astrology tidbits, including Scorpio’s connection to the reproductive organs and colon, plus a few scorpionic herbal allies that can be highly supportive in these times. 


Akashic Soul Record Sessions ~ These are 60-minute channeled readings that happen with me over audio-only Zoom or phone. Limited space for November and December!

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/akashicrecords


Awaken & Align Into 2024: Akashic Soul Record Personal Channelings ~ These are pre-recorded 30-minute readings that specifically focus on supporting you through your awakening & alignment process as you move into the New Year. I will open your Akashic Records as well as work with your Human Design to receive intuitive channeled insights related to your unique path and selected theme, and send you a link with a recording and a photo of any cards or relevant information within the weekly block that you purchased. 

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/akashicrecords

Akashic Intuitive Healing Mentorship Experience ~ work with me privately in this 1-on-1 mentorship designed to assist you in developing your intuitive healing practice. We’ll be incorporating Akashic Record training and working with the Akashic Records in a healing or practitioner capacity. Short and longer term options available. 2 spots remaining.

APPLY HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/intuitivehealingmentorship 


Where To Find Venessa


Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


Share this episode by clicking the SHARE button below!

Ep. 275 Transform Your Money Mindset For Collective Healing with Sara Artemisia


We’re back with Sara Artemisia, but this time we’re talking about MONEY. 

What if the way you've been relating to money is all wrong? What if money isn't the root of all evil, but instead, a tool for healing? 

Not only is Sara Artemisia a Plant Spirit Wisdom Teacher, Flower Essence Practitioner, and host of the Plant Spirit Podcast, she’s also a Financial Coach with a Master’s degree in Organizational Financial Management and is a Certified Money Coach. 

We sat down with her to challenge the traditional narratives around money and explore its transformative potential. We navigated the complexities of late-stage capitalism and its effects on the planet and our perception of wealth. Sara also challenged us to perceive money as a multidimensional relationship, which can be experienced on both practical and spiritual levels.

This episode isn't just about changing how you see money. It's about exploring its potential as a tool for collective healing. So, let's redefine the narrative, let's reclaim our power, and let's heal our relationship with money together.

In This Episode We Talk About:

  • How money can be part of a life-sustaining ecosystem, much like in nature

  • Damaging narratives we often associate with money, such as 'I'll never be good with money', and how these can create barriers for us

  • The power of asking ourselves "What would nature do?"

  • The importance of understanding our conscious relationship with money and how to shift our mindset to recognize its potential

  • How money can be seen as a fractal for understanding our entire existence

  • The link between the nervous system and our money story and experience

  • Money as a booty call vs money as a long-term friend

  • The ancestral lineage and wounds that shape our relationship with money and how to heal them

  • The most common internal narratives we often take on as healers and heart-centered people

  • The power of writing your money biography

  • How the archetypes of the Warrior and the Magician can help us to orientate to money in an empowered way

  • How to develop a long-term, trusting relationship with money



In The Episode:

Where to Find Sara Artemisia

Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


Share this episode by clicking the SHARE button below!

Ep. 274 Scorpio New Moon: Going Deep To Rise


Happy New Moon, fam! While the eclipses are over (for now), we’re still feeling the effects and the cosmic weather continues to be intense, unpredictable, explosive, and turbulent. 

In this episode, we’re covering the energetics of this lunation and month, and ways to best support us as we go deep into the entanglements to find true liberation. November and October 2023 are game changers that will irrevocably shift our direction. 

Highlights include Uranus’ awakening power and Mars’ heat (hello anger, conflict, & aggression) and its potential to be alchemized into movement, energy, and impassioned willpower.

As the veil continues to be lifted on the world stage and in your own life, we explore how to best navigate the highs and lows in order to seek a new and higher truth.

What’s the purpose and process of everything we’re going through right now? According to the stars, it’s rapid, spiritual evolution into a higher state of being. 

We also cover medical astrology tidbits, including Scorpio’s connection to the reproductive organs and colon, plus a few scorpionic herbal allies that can be highly supportive in these times. 


Akashic Soul Record Sessions ~ These are 60-minute channeled readings that happen with me over audio-only Zoom or phone. Limited space for November and December!

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/akashicrecords

Akashic Intuitive Healing Mentorship Experience ~ work with me privately in this 1-on-1 mentorship designed to assist you in developing your intuitive healing practice. We’ll be incorporating Akashic Record training and working with the Akashic Records in a healing or practitioner capacity. Short and longer term options available. 2 spots remaining.

APPLY HERE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/intuitivehealingmentorship 


In The Episode:

Where To Find Venessa


Support the Podcast

Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. 

Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a monthly contribution, head to the Patreon page here.

If you would like to make a one-time contribution, you may use our personal PayPal Link here and offer any dollar amount you'd like - send to @WildlyRooted: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/wildlyrooted  

Thank you as every penny counts toward supporting this work! xo


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