Ep. 330 Pisces New Moon: Navigating the Waters of Change


Happy new moon! If you've been feeling overwhelmed, disoriented, or like time itself is playing tricks on you lately—you're not alone. We're all swimming in these sensitive cosmic waters together. This Pisces new moon is a powerful invitation to plant seeds of intention that will be illuminated during the upcoming eclipse season. The bridge to our next chapter is being built as we walk it.

We cover:

  • The surprising reason this New Moon feels more like a "preview" than a conclusion 

  • How we’ll get some emotional relief (yesss), and yet the path forward still requires patience (ugh)

  • How Saturn is providing stabilizing energy in these boundaryless waters

  • What mystics Edgar Cayce & Rudolf Steiner reveal about our current astrology

  • Medical astrology insights for the highly sensitive Piscean and psychically overwhelmed

  • The perfect herbal ally appearing right when we need dream wisdom and psychic protection

  • Where to find your center when everything feels in flux

Whether you're deep in transition or supporting others through theirs, this episode offers the medicine needed to navigate these shifting tides with grace.

Take a deep breath… You're exactly where you're meant to be!


Discover your unique healing and intuitive gifts and gain clarity on your path as a healer in the Cosmic Gifts Clarity Blueprint workshop! In this 3-hour event, you’ll uncover your divine design using astrology, activate your intuitive connection, and walk away with practical tools to confidently embody your gifts in your life and work.

✨GET INSTANT ACCESS: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/cosmicgifts 


Inside Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway, I teach you the exact intuitive healing practice frameworks that expand your intuitive connection, clear mindset & energetic blocks, and design your soul-aligned and divinely-guided practice that will make massive impact for your Self, clients, patients, & the world.

Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway is my highest-level group mentorship program for practitioners ready to fully express their intuitive gifts and create a transformative healing practice they love.

If you would love access to the $1K Consciousness Recalibration & Activation Program for Healers simply DM me PATHWAY for the details or click the link below to learn more:
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