Ep. 208 Taurus New Moon & Eclipse :: Embodied Intuition for Liberation (Solocast)

Tune in for some moon musings for this black Taurus new moon and partial eclipse! The second new moon this month, it also kicks us off for eclipse season…

Are you open, aligned, & ready to receive what’s coming for you? This season calls for us to get deeper into embodiment for expanding the senses and our intuition. Themes include surprises, shifts, love, beauty, food, and quantum jumps! You’ll hear about why checking in on your self worth, inner voice, and ability to “tune in” with your body are paramount in this time.

I also talk about an exciting new way I’m being called to support the collective… stay to the end to learn about an upcoming group mentorship for healers and helpers who are ready to step out of the spiritual closet, expand their intuitive gifts, and go from conventional practitioner to New Earth Intuitive Healer.

Click the link below to learn more + apply for the Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway.…

Coming Soon


Coming Soon 〰️

Apply for your seat in this presale special (limited spots available) & learn more about the

Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway Mentorship



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