Ep. 153 Radically Rooted in Hard Times: Skill In Action with Michelle C. Johnson

Today we’re speaking with Michelle C. Johnson, author, yoga teacher, healer, social worker, dismantling racism trainer, activist, and grief-worker, whose book Skill in Action: Radicalizing Your Yoga Practice to Create a Just World has been helping me answer the question: How we can truly support ourselves to be able to step up in the most expansive and aligned way in our roles within the collective dismantling process? Michelle’s book is a gift for these times -  incredibly insightful & affirming, particularly right now, as more folx awaken to the ways we can dismantle and decondition racist + oppressive programs & begin healing the injustices of the imposed systems as individuals and as community uplifting BIPOC voices.

In this interview, Michelle shares what Skill in Action means to her, and the power of story, such as the Bhagavad Gita as an inspiration for her work and philosophy. 

We talk about how simple can be transformational, and the simple yet powerful practices Michelle offers in her book, as well as samskaras & spirituality - Michelle invites us to slow down enough to respond to our personal patterns thru mindfulness and spiritual connection.

We get into the problematic industry of “wellness” and how it was not created for ALL bodies to be included as Michelle shares her thoughts on yoga + injustice, our collective awakening, and reflections upon death and hardship. 

We touch on white supremacy and Capitalism within the yoga and wellness industries, and why it’s critical to honor in the wake of overwhelm and the Wave of change. 

Stay tuned to the end to hear Venessa’s “Where I’m From” poem inspired by a practice in Michelle’s book Skill In Action.

Show Notes

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The power of story and what makes up our Selves and cells

  • What is Skill in Action, and the Bhagavad Gita as an inspiration for her work and philosophy

  • How simple can be transformational, and the simple yet powerful practices Michelle offers in her book

  • Samskaras & spirituality - how Michelle invites us to slow down enough to respond to our personal patterns thru mindfulness and spiritual connection

  • The problematic industry of “wellness” and how it was not created for ALL bodies 

  • How systemic racism is being expressed and realized thru current events and pandemic

  • How the pandemic shifted the paradigm of care - for self and others - shifting our orientation to the collective

  • Michelle’s thoughts on yoga + justice, our collective awakening process, and reflections upon the murders and deaths thru racism, COVID and injustices

  • How having a spiritual practice is what will help us to build resilience for the long haul to create change

  • White supremacy and Capitalism within yoga and the wellness industry

  • The concept of the Wave, what patterns do we have around leaving hard times and experiences - the powerful act to ask yourself what do you need to stay during the Wave of change?

  • How to address overwhelm when riding the Wave, and how humility and experience has taught Michelle to honor her nervous system, boundaries, and prioritizing self-care

  • How getting clear on her dharma and spiritual duty has helped in Michelle’s discernment process 

  • Venessa shares insights on grief and liberation from a Tarot reading in this conversation, Death and Temperance in connection to “Arjun’s journey”, and Michelle’s response and synchronistic experience having pulled her own cards

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If I forget who I am, then I don’t actually recognize humanity in others because I can’t see my own.” ~ Michelle C. Johnson

Connect With Michelle C. Johnson

Website | Facebook | Skill In Action Instagram | Personal Instagram

Michelle’s book: Skill in Action: Radicalizing Your Yoga Practice to Create a Just World

Michelle’s podcast: Finding Refuge Podcast


Where I’m From By George Ella Lyon


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