Ep. 17 Walking the Plant Path: Evolutionary Herbalism + the Magnetic Power of Plants as Teachers + Healers with Whitney Popham

In this episode, I’m excited to be speaking with Whitney Popham of the School of Evolutionary Herbalism. Whitney is an herbal practitioner and educator, pollinating the medicine of the plants to bring healing & beauty into the world. 

We talk about her journey of self-discovery, healing and her life’s calling to the plant path. We dive deep right away into how we got to the point of disconnection from these ancient systems of medicine, and ways we can begin to reclaim that connection.

Whitney shares her own experience with healing trauma by building relationships with plants and their medicine on all levels, and provides us with a beginner’s roadmap to using botanicals for supporting the nervous system and the heart. 

As a clinical herbalist, Whitney has devoted her life to being a humble vessel for the plants to touch people's lives and do their healing work through her. She facilitates healing on the emotional, spiritual, and physical levels of health through the multifaceted lens of plant medicine, nutrition and Ayurvedic lifestyle coaching. 

Whitney is the co-founder of The School of Evolutionary Herbalism, where her and her husband Sajah have trained & empowered tens of thousands of people to become herbalists & practitioners. Through their online programs & live workshops, they share wisdom from multiple medical traditions from around the world to continue the legacy of bringing healing to people, culture and planet.  
This was such a rich discussion, Whitney really touches on so many critical topics that I’ve been thinking a lot about over the years and try to highlight in this podcast. Lots of food for thought, and I hope you enjoy our exploration of the magical and magnetic power of plants as teachers and healers.

*Note from Whitney: Since we discuss using botanicals and harvesting plants ourselves, it’s important to note that before you harvest or make medicine from any herb, it’s imperative that you’ve first properly identified that plant before you ingest it or give it to anyone else. Learning some basic botany, getting a good ID book, or taking a class with a local herbalist are important steps towards making sure you’re safely harvesting & using herbs. 

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Show Notes

In this episode, we discuss:

  • What is evolutionary herbalism and how Whitney and her husband Sajah teach universal patterns of ancient wisdom and traditions, while incorporating modern science and knowledge

  • How can we work with plant medicines on a soul level and work with our soul evolution as well as heal our physical bodies

  • How we got to the point of disconnection from these ancient systems of medicine, and what “convenience” has to do with it

  • The importance of seeing the map of the human body as gardens and ecosystems rather than thru the western “machine-minded way”

  • The power of plants in our perception shifts

  • How reconnecting to our sources of food, water, and medicine is critical for us in developing a relationship with our home, where we live

  • How whitney came to the “plant path” through play, activism, and her journey of self-discovery and self-healing

  • Whitney’s own experience with healing trauma by building relationships with plants and their medicine on all levels

  • How her own health issues reflected what was going on within her emotional and spiritual body after an abusive relationship

  • Whitney’s first plant ally - how motherwort was like a homecoming that helped her reconnect and start healing her body

  • The various kinds of trauma and the chronic PTSD that most of us are experiencing in modern times, including not having a true “home” or place where we feel we belong

  • Ways to connect with plants and how growing your own is one way to help heal our disconnection

  • Getting outside of the allopathic mindset of using herbs, which can encourage disempowered thinking, by exploring what herbs were used by your ancestors

  • The levels of healing trauma: working with the nervous system and heart with restorative nervine herbs (such as Milky oat seed, skullcap, and more)

  • How so much of trauma can be stored in emotional memory of the heart space, and how rose (wild rose) can be a wonderful ally

  • The importance of trusting in the ancestral, intuitive, and instinctual wisdom and connection to plants that we already have

  • Some of the biggest challenges or blocks that Whitney sees for people first starting on the plant path and budding herbalists, including fear and lack of confidence + trust.

  • Why it’s essential to practice and study with other herbal teachers and schools as well as direct and personal experience with plants

  • How Whitney defines “wild” for herself, and how reconnecting to an ancestral way of living and reclaiming homesteading skills is feeding her wild

  • The one game-changing practice for Whitney that feeds her soul + wild in a deep way, and how it’s realigning her hormonal cycles and rhythms


Connect With Whitney Popham + The School of Evolutionary Herbalism

WebsiteFacebook | Instagram


Resources + Links Mentioned

Grab the Free issue of The School of Evolutionary Herbalism's subscription program, Materia Medica Monthly (You'll receive a 25 page pdf download + 3 hour video class on Calendula): https://www.evolutionaryherbalism.com/mmm-free-issue/

Suzanne Tabert at Cedar Mountain Herb School in Washington

Milla Prince


Wildly Rooted Resources

Sacred Ecology Activation Journey Audio


Feed Your Wild :: Gut :: virtual workshop



Date: Sunday, August 26th, 2018

Time: 12pm - 3pm PST / 2pm - 5pm CST / 3pm - 6pm EST

Duration: 3 hours

Where: Online, from the comfort of your own home!

*In case you can’t make it live, this virtual event WILL be recorded and you will get access to all of the materials and bonuses.

PRE-SALE PRICING: Feed Your Wild :: GUT :: Virtual Circle Workshop is Live on August 26, 2018

This special pre-sale price of $47 will increase to $67 at midnight on July 29, 2018

Click here to learn more


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