Ep. 42 DECEMBER :: Akashic Soul Nourishment Reading :: Heart-Centered Grace & Gentle Pace

Photo: Deer in Woods by Christopher O'Donnell

Photo: Deer in Woods by Christopher O'Donnell

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Solo Episode: DECEMBER 2018 :: Akashic Soul Nourishment Reading :: Heart-Centered Grace & Gentle Pace

About Monthly Soul Nourishment Readings: These readings are usually filled with metaphor & symbols, so may require a bit of unraveling & might mean something different for each person, so pay attention to what comes up for you as you listen on. Hope they provide value and moments of reflection in your journey.

The message for December is: SLOW over go go go. Simplify to expand. We are being led and guided by our own embodied senses. These are our gifts.

What is that one thread that you can begin to pull, and weave into this beautiful deep rich tapestry in your life?

In this Akashic reading, we are guided by two deer in a forest...

Deer Medicine

Two deer appear in the forest.

Pure presence. Heightened senses. Deep connection with surroundings.

Ability to HEAR acutely, SMELL finely, SEE keenly, TASTE impeccably

No map, nowhere to go, so that you may know...

Who you are, and who you are becoming, deliberately.

A call for us to re-member our innate abilities and capacities for navigating ourselves with the help of our surroundings...

It is the process of dropping in, and tuning in, that creates our destination.

Deer medicine is closely related to the heart, compassion and allowing ourselves to drop into this space and allow our hearts to lead us. We are also called to open up our embodied senses and sensitivities, and pay attention to what we consume.

Working together

Collaboration is our true nature, we are in this unseen pilgrimage together.

We are meant to use our faculties and embodied senses.

Individualism is an illusion - we are walking on a path together.

The good news...

All of these faculties and abilities are already innate within us.

We simply need to cultivate the space for us to get back into tune with them.

SLOW over Go Go Go

Be gentle and deliberate with your pace. Honor the Slowness.

Slow is medicine for this month.

Turn the dial DOWN on tempo, thoughts, scattered energy...

And turn the volume UP on your senses, engage with your breath.

Step into stillness with your surroundings.

Breathe in and savor these sacred moments.

Ways we can tune back into our heart, walk this gentle pace, open up our senses and connect with this innate guidance system and knowing, tuning into the greater collective:

Bring your focus to just ONE thing... simplify to expand.

We are integrating within our own cells ALL of the collective experiences of that which we are consuming. Pay attention to what you allow inside of your body.

We are a culmination of all that we consume, in all ways,with all of our senses.

What are you consuming lately?

We are being led and guided by our embodied senses. These are our gifts.



Resources + Links Mentioned

Akashic Records 101 Video (scroll down to find it!)

Connect with us at wildlyrooted.com/podcastconnect

Interested in exploring your Akashic Records with Venessa? Click here.


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