Ep. 3 #UNFILTERED Moon Musings :: New Moon in Taurus


Welcome to the first episode of FYW #UNFILTERED Moon Musings with Venessa & Megan!

I am so excited to introduce you to my colleague and dear friend Megan Liebmann in our new collaboration on the podcast called #UNFILTERED Moon Musings!


What are #UNFILTERED Moon Musings?

I wanted to bring in an element of raw, organic, and real conversation that was participatory... 

These #UNFILTERED episodes are a hybrid of moon musings + convo + QA answering your top questions about holistic health, nutrition, herbs, moon cycles, and earth-based medicine. Connecting to the moon cycles can be a powerful way to tap into your inner wild and wise self, and if you want to come along for the ride, we are LOVING the Many Moons book by Sarah Gottesdiener - you can grab yours here!

BUT we need YOUR help! Send us your questions and comments by clicking here, we can't wait to hang out with you <3

Megan is a functional nutritionist, herbalist, herbal educator, Earth medicine practitioner, healer, and intuitive nourishment guide specializing in women’s health.

Megan has been studying herbal medicine for the last 15 years with various mentors, teachers, guides and shamans, while at the same time working as a functional nutritionist and obtaining her masters degree in human nutrition and functional medicine. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and two little boys.

Healing is a journey that is sacred and unique to each individual and Megan works as a guide for her clients as she helps them to cultivate their spiritual and physiological nourishment through her work with botanical medicine, food, heart medicine and intuitive therapies. 

This Episode's Theme...

New Moon in Taurus :: Planting Seeds + Emergence


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Show Notes

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Intro to FYW #UNFILTERED Moon Musings + what these are all about!

  • Meet my amazing co-hostess Megan Liebmann

  • Challenges of modern-day motherhood

  • The absolute non-negotiable basics you need to have in place for a strong foundation to build resilience and health

  • A simple practice to reset your circadian rhythm daily

  • Breaking up with our cell phones in the morning

  • Megan’s favorite morning ritual

  • Supportive practices to help you and the power of possibility

  • Why something as simple as making your bed in the morning can be a total game-changer

  • How to use the process of anchoring to ground and fuel your new moon intentions

  • What one thing Venessa and Megan are letting go of this New Moon


Two questions for you to consider this New Moon:

  • What is one ingredient to add to life to thrive more?

  • What is one thing to remove that will enable you to live your best life?


Resources + Links Mentioned

Sacred Ecology Visualization & Activation Journey to help you uncover what’s been keeping you stuck in your health & life, and discover what “foods” to bring in right now for radical nourishment & clarity.

Feed Your Wild's First Podcast - Venessa's Story + Intro (Episode 00)

Podcast Interview with Susan Lipshutz - Tapping Into Your Every Day Medicine (Episode 01)

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate by Peter Wohlleben


Note: Links marked with an asterisk (*) are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!


Ask Us Your Top Q's!

Go to wildlyrooted.com/podcastconnect to send us your top questions around health + wellness, nutrition + herbalism, natural cycles + intuition, & your top challenges.

Connect with Venessa @wildlyrooted

Connect with Megan @amethyst_and_rose


Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a contribution, head to the Patreon page here.


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