Ep. 158 Decolonizing Creativity & Conspiring for Collective Liberation with Erika Rose Santoro


In this conversation, we’re speaking with Erika Rose Santoro, a multidimensional artist, liberator and teacher of transformation and self-healing.  As a visionary leadership guide, intuitive energy alchemist & creative strategist, she puts ancient forces to work for modern strategies. For 20 years, Erika operated as a Creative Business Partner and trusted advisor to Grammy-winning recording artist Alicia Keys.

In this episode, we continue the themes of sovereignty and liberation through the lens of creativity and embodiment with Erika as our guide. Having been plugged into the mainstream Collective energy of the masses thru the entertainment industry, then finding her way with her own identity, Erica talks about the process of becoming a deather, a birther, and grounding thru majorly ungrounding times.  Erika shares her non-negotiable grounding practices and how to rebuild connection to our cyclical nature as we shift into a new paradigm. 

Erica talks about how creativity has been deeply colonized and how the moon helps her to go beyond the colonial mindset of always “doing.” Erika tells the story of her incredible initiation in Egypt and what it taught her about conspiring for each other’s liberation. Erika shares about her surprising relationship with obedience and how surrendering to deep listening has led her down a wild path of self discovery.

Check out Erika’s cultural arts venture Rooted and Wild - an oasis for the emerging paradigm where thought leaders, artists, & change-makers can reconnect with land, themselves, and do the healing work to design our more beautiful world.

Erika shares potent words of advice and encouragement for listeners during polarizing and challenging times in this talk... I encourage you to surrender to your deep listening as we go into this journey and conversation together!

Show Notes

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Erika’s understanding about her life’s work, a reframe of “what is it that we do” to “who are we being”, and how Erika views herself as a deather as well as birther

  • Erika’s journey with her own identity, her experience in celebrity culture working with Alicia Keys, and her process of “deathing” and moving through loss as part of her evolution

  • How she found her grounding through major experiences of ungrounding

  • How Erika’s daily devotional dancing serves as a divine embodied “transcendance” process, keeping her rooted and divinely connected

  • The importance of studying Mother Nature to understand cyclical nature and omega/feminine energetic principles

  • Erika reminds us of the knowing and trust that love is having its way even amidst total chaos

  • Cosmic themes including the procession of the equinoxes, our collective 26,000 year cycle, and how we are waking up out of the halfway mark in terms of conscious evolution

  • What “decolonizing creativity” means to Erika, and how the moon helps her to go beyond the the colonial mindset of “doing” and “production” 

  • Erika offers ways to reframe how you create and how to move through the trauma around creativity with nature

  • Erika's incredible initiation in Egypt and what it taught her about conspiring for each other’s liberation

  • Venessa and Erika discuss Tarot cards pulled and their themes + significance 

  • Why liberation work and connecting with nature are critical as we move deeper with technology

  • Erika shares about her cultural arts venture Rooted and Wild - an oasis for the emerging paradigm where thought leaders, artists, change-makers can reconnect with land, themselves, and do the healing work to design our more beautiful world

  • Erika’s words of advice and encouragement for listeners during polarizing and challenging times

  • Erika’s journey with the medicine of obedience, the power of deep listening, and all the lessons she’s learning along the way

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Connect With Erika Rose Santoro

Website | Instagram

Rooted and Wild website: https://www.rootedandwild.org/

Rooted and Wild Instagram


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