Ep. 35 #UNFILTERED Moon Musings :: Full Moon in Taurus :: Ancestral Healing + QA on Trauma, Dark Eye Circles + More

Welcome back to FYW #UNFILTERED Moon Musings with Venessa & Megan!

What are #UNFILTERED Moon Musings?

These #UNFILTERED episodes are a hybrid of moon musings + convo + QA answering your top questions about holistic health, nutrition, herbs, moon cycles, and earth-based medicine. Connecting to the moon cycles can be a powerful way to tap into your inner wild and wise self, and if you want to come along for the ride, we are LOVING the Many Moons book by Sarah Gottesdiener - you can grab yours here!

BUT we need YOUR help! Send us your questions and comments by clicking here, we can't wait to hang out with you <3

This Episode's Theme...

#UNFILTERED Moon Musings :: Full Moon in Taurus :: Ancestral Healing + QA on Trauma, Dark Eye Circles + More

Venessa discusses the themes of this Full Moon in Taurus, ancestral healing & and answers questions from listeners on healing trauma & dealing with dark under eye circles (answer could surprise you... we cover a lot!).

Lots of resources mentioned in this one, so be sure to check out the show notes below!

Send best wishes to Megan on Instagram for a speedy recovery!
Megan @amethyst_and_rose

Click here to sign up + be the first to access to UNSTUCK: a free audio program covering The Top 5 Things Sabotaging Your Health Goals & What To Do About Them

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Show Notes

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Ancestors and lineage, and this special time near Halloween, Samhain, Dia de los muertos... the thin veil, birth and death.

  • We can heal our ancestral lineage by doing our own healing work

  • How in nature there is no waste

  • Energy is meant to stay in motion, so when it’s stuck in our bodies (physical and energy) then it can lead to dis-ease

  • Venessa’s mission - to support people in breaking the lineage of dis-ease so you don’t have to suffer the same fate as your ancestors (and support their healing too)

  • You are here to step fully into alignment with your truth! That is the Work.

  • Getting UNSTUCK - sign up for Venessa’s free upcoming course

  • 1 reason that you are stuck could be ancestral trauma that is stuck

  • Dissociation vs completing a trauma

  • The power of somatic experiencing and Peter Levine’s work

  • Some helpful therapies for releasing trauma and helping people move forward in their lives

  • Venessa answers listeners’ questions including how to deal with dark circles under the eyes!


Resources + Links Mentioned

Interview with Sarah Gottesdiener: How Working With The Moon Can Change Your Life With Sarah Faith Gottesdiener

Waking the Tiger by Peter Levine

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk

Interview with Candice Wu: Healing Intergenerational Trauma, Family Constellations, and the Power of Voice Dialogue with Candice Wu

Interview with Riyana Rose Sang: Reclaiming Our Erotic Energy, Consciousness Expanding Plant Magic & Mamahood with Riyana Rose Sang

Sacred Ecology Visualization & Activation Journey to help you uncover what’s been keeping you stuck in your health & life, and discover what “foods” to bring in right now for radical nourishment & clarity.

Note: Links marked with an asterisk (*) are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!


Ask Us Your Top Q's!

Go to wildlyrooted.com/podcastconnect to send us your top questions around health + wellness, nutrition + herbalism, natural cycles + intuition, & your top challenges.

Connect with Venessa @wildlyrooted

Connect with Megan @amethyst_and_rose


Your support means the world...

If the show has helped, inspired or spoken to you, it would mean the world to me if you show your support through a small financial contribution. Each FYW episode is a labor of love that takes me about three days to produce... From as little as $1 a month, your support will help to cover the costs associated with producing and hosting the show. I love you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To make a contribution, head to the Patreon page here.


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